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  • Writer's pictureBen Webby

6 Easy Businesses to Start While you Travel the World

Updated: Aug 6, 2020

How to Make Money While Traveling

So, you want to travel and make money at the same time... Luckily for you, the list of ways to make money as you travel is endless. But, do you really want to spend your limited travel time working a shitty 9-5 job?

This is your time to explore and immerse yourself in another culture. Not slave away at some job you hate, just to make ends meet. However, traveling is expensive and funds run out.

Most people suggest taking up a travel job as a Seasonal worker, an English teacher, or an Au Pair/Nanny. These traditional jobs require you to show up to a workplace, work a set amount of hours, and get paid directly for those hours.

Wouldn’t you prefer location and time freedom while traveling? A job that allows you to work whenever and wherever you like.

Finding an easy business to start while you travel is a great way to fund your travels and provide lifestyle freedom. You get to be your own boss and online business can be run from anywhere. Just open up your laptop and start working.

If you are looking for an easy business to start while you travel the world, give some of these methods a go. We break down the steps to starting these businesses and how each of them makes money.

Easy Businesses to Start

  • Travel Blog

  • Freelancing Business

  • Influencer

  • Amazon FBA Dropshipping

  • Online Consultant

  • E-Books

1. Travel Blog

How to Start a Travel Blog: Travel the world and tell your readers everything you see, feel, taste, and smell. Make it an adventure for your readers. Think of yourself as a virtual tour guide of sorts. It takes less than an hour to set up a website on Wix, then you are free to start sharing your travel stories.

Just because you are traveling, doesn’t mean you have to blog about travel. You can set up a blog based on any of your passions. It helps to know a lot about what your blogging about, that’s why travel blogs are an easy business to start while on the road.

How it Makes Money: Travel bloggers make money through a variety of channels, you can monetize your blog with affiliate marketing, pay per click ads, sponsored posts, and paid travel. There are so many ways to make money as a travel blogger, it’s a good idea to diversify your sources of online income.

It’s important to remember that you need some sort of following on your blog before you will earn any more. The bigger the following, the more chance you have of making money on your travel blog.

2. Freelancing Agency

How to Start a Freelancing Agency: Platforms like Fiverr and UpWork give anyone an opportunity to become a digital nomad. They provide an easy way to make money online for travelers by linking you to paying clients.

Whatever unique skill set you have, you can advertise it on these platforms and get paid for it. Just create profiles on both platforms start applying for jobs or creating gigs, and make money as you travel!

The more established your profile is and the more positive reviews you have, the more money you can charge. Freelancing is one of the best ways to earn quick money while traveling, but it's even more lucrative to outsource the work you find and create a freelancing agency.

As your base of recurring clients grows, outsource the work to people who charge a lower rate than you. So, you can make money while they work.

Find someone willing to do the work for less money than you, then take the difference. The perfect way to make money while you travel.

How it Makes Money: Fiverr and Upwork clients will pay you directly for your services. As soon as you submit the work, the client will pay you and you can transfer it to your bank account. It's a great way to generate some cash on the road if your funds are running out. By outsourcing the work, you are able to make money off of other people’s work. For example, you are hired by a client to build a Wix website for $100, you outsource it to someone who is willing to do it for $60. The client pays you $100, you pay the website designer $60 and take the leftover $40 for yourself for organizing the whole thing.

The more freelancers you get working for you, the more money you earn. You can find thousands of quality freelancers around the world willing to work for a cheap rate.

3. Influencer

How to Start as an Influencer: You need some sort of online audience, so start by building a website and social media accounts. Then you want to choose a niche and consistently post quality content relevant to your niche.

Youtube, Instagram, and Pinterest are the most popular platforms for influencers. You need to research the best ways to maximize your growth on these platforms in order to succeed as an influencer. Here's a guide on using Pinterest to increase your travel business's reach.

Once you build a following, reach out to companies whose products you would feel comfortable promoting and see if they have an influencer marketing program.

If you already have a large following on a website or social media platform, then this will be a really easy business to start for you.

How it Makes Money: Companies will pay influencers to advertise their products to their followers. Your followers follow you for a reason, they enjoy your content and respect your opinion. So companies are willing to pay you to market their products to your readers.

The average rule of thumb for an Instagram influencer is around $10 per post per 1000 followers. So if you have a decent following, it could be a great way to make money while you travel.

4. Amazon FBA Dropshipping

How to Start Amazon FBA Dropshipping: FBA stands for Fulfillment-by-Amazon. You create a product, send inventory to their warehouse, and list it on From then on, everything is handled by Amazon. You just have to keep enough inventory in stock and advertise your product. Amazon organizes all of the shipping, storage, and handling for you.

If you have an idea for a product, search, and find someone who manufactures something similar. Pay them to make your product and ship it to Amazon. Create a listing for your product using keywords and then launch.

How it Makes Money: If someone searches Amazon and purchases your product you will be paid by Amazon once they take out fees for storage and handling. Whatever you sell your product for minus the initial investment to the manufacture minus amazon fees equals your earnings.

5. Online Consultant

How to Start as an Online Consultant: If you are an expert in a particular field, you can offer professional advice to individuals and businesses online in exchange for money.

To become an online consultant you want to find your area of expertise, get any necessary certifications, choose a target market, choose your hourly rate, make a website, then start networking with people.

The beauty of being an online consultant is that it is an easy business to start while you travel because of the location freedom. You contact clients remotely using a phone or computer, so you can chat with them from anywhere in the world.

How it Makes Money: Clients will pay you directly for your services. You can make money while you travel by offering advice and coaching in exchange for money. The more clients you can find and help, the more money you will make.

There are online consultants that charge $1000’s for an hour of their time. Build a large client base that trusts you and you will see this type of success.

6. E-Books

How to Start with E-Books: An easy business to start while you travel is creating Ebooks. Write about whatever your passions are, or something you know a lot about. You could even try your hand at a fiction novel.

Writing a book isn’t the easiest thing to do, but the free time of travel provides an opportunity to spend time writing, editing, and publishing an ebook. It might even help you come up with writing topics.

Once you have written your ebook, you can publish through Amazon or Kindle Direct Publishing and it will be online forever, generating a passive income.

How it Makes Money: Passive income. People can find your book on the Amazon and Kindle stores, where they buy it and you get paid.

The best part about Ebooks is that once it’s written and published, you really don’t need to do any more work. If successful your book will pay you month after month for years in the future.

This is an easy business to start that pays a passive income. Perfect for making money while you travel and funding your next travel adventures.


Please Share these Pins if you found this article helpful. Drop a comment below and let us know if you have any success with these business ideas.

To learn more about making money online as a freelancer, give this article a read.

Heres an easy to follow, step by step guide to becoming a travel blogger.

For more travel blog content writing ideas, we've got you covered.


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