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  • Writer's pictureBen Webby

How to Make Money as a Student - When you have no money to begin with.

Updated: Jun 25, 2020

It is so hard being a student on a tight budget trying to think about investing in your own business or side hustle, or trying to start saving.  Every dollar is spent on food, rent and probably booze or weed. I've been there.

I always wished I had a side income when I was at university. Maybe then I wouldn’t have such a big student loan. 

The biggest thing for me was thinking I didn't have enough money to fund any online business ventures or projects that I wanted to pursue. I was supposed to be studying finance but ironically I still struggled with my own personal finances. Plus, I was probably having too much fun to worry about it much. “I’ll do that when I leave college” I would tell myself.  However, being out of college and in the real world for around a year has taught me a lot about online business and managing your financials and time a little better.

The crazy thing is, it's not actually that much effort. And it can cost you absolutely nothing to start earning.

If you start with as little as 15-20 minutes a day of online work and you are consistent with it, it will start to add up! While it might not seem like much on a daily scale, on a weekly scale you’ve already put in 2 hours of work that you wouldn’t of done otherwise, and slowly this can build up. Allowing you to generate a passive income stream or online business, for basically no cost. 

There are SO many ways for you to make money online that cost little to no money to start. But they don't really teach you these things at university. If you to put in a little bit of work most days, then you will start to see some impressive results a couple months down the track. 

In today's technological age you can truly work from anywhere in the world as long as you can get to some sort of internet connection. You don’t have to leave college and join the rat race of the 9-5 grind, slowly climbing your way up the corporate ladder.

There are thousands of income streams online that are easy to learn and get them to pay you every week. 

Instead of falling asleep in your lecture hall because the lecturer is reading off his boring slides again. You could sit on your laptop for an hour and be making money online. That is if you even go to class, I never really went, but you can do it from home too!

Everyone will tell you the best way to make money is find your passion and go for it, but when you're at college you don’t have any clue what that might be. So I suggest you just try a lot of things, and see which online income stream you find most fun. You’ll be amazed at how easy it is to start generating money and if you’re consistent you can easily live off the money it generates, or at least create an impressive side income.

5 ways we recommend trying to earn money online:

There are a lot of sites online that need people's opinions for market and scientific research. They will pay you for your opinions and you get rewarded just for telling them what you think about the products you use every day or even try new ones before they hit store shelves! is a fast and easy way to make extra money online simply by sharing your opinions.

By joining you will:

  • Get paid up to $5 dollars for 10-15 minute surveys

  • Get paid up to $30/per hour on focus group and panels

  • Get Paid up to $15-$30 for 30-45 minute surveys

  • Get paid up to $50 for premium surveys

  • No experience needed to join!

I usually just focus on doing the premium surveys and do them as fast as possible. I could average 2 an hour, which means i was making $100 for an hours work. You can literally sit in an hour lecture, answering simple questions and get paid really well.  However, if I was busy and only had 10-20 minutes to spare then i would do a quick survey and easily make $5-$10. 

The more surveys you take, the more opportunities you’ll have to collect points and redeem them for cash and other great rewards. You can choose how you want to get paid. You can get a direct deposit into your bank account or card, get cash or cheque or earn vouchers to companies like amazon or apple. 

Can you read and write? Writing-Jobs have thousand’s of open opportunities online right now. From article writing, to blogging to writing reviews. There is something for any writer. 

Writing-Jobs offer really competitive hourly rates and if you’re a fast writer you can make a lot of money.

Writing-Jobs offers:

  • Earn up to $30-$120 per hour

  • Get paid up to $50 per article

  • Get paid up to $500-$1,000 for short ebooks

  • Get cash from 1,000's of our daily high-paying writing jobs

  • All kinds of writing jobs from you to choose from

  • Flexible working hours, work when you want to.

  • Write content anywhere in the world.

  • No experience needed to join!

Now you can live the laptop lifestyle and make a full time income or make extra cash by providing written content to thousands of our partners that need them for their websites, blogs, books, magazines, marketing materials and many more! is a website for freelancers.

Companies and small businesses post jobs for everything from copywriting to web design to tutoring services. Freelancers then compete for said jobs by creating and submitting job proposals.

But don’t worry if you’re not a brilliant web programmer and can’t write your way out of a paper bag. There are zillions of jobs posted on Upwork every day, and I know you’ll find something that’s a good fit for your skill set.

If you’re a student it’s a great way to get experience in the field that you’re studying, you can find jobs for as little as 1 hour or over 40 hours a week so you can earn much as you’re willing to work.

This one is a little different to the 3 listed above as you’ll need to outlay a little bit of money to get started, but if you choose a cheap product this can easily be done for under $100. Then it’s only about managing your amazon listing for an hour or two a week. You just have to choose a product, find a supplier, and create an amazon listing to start earning money.

Amazon handles all the hard work for you within FBA, so the way it works is pretty simple.

The way it works is:

  1. You send your products to Amazon.

  2. They store them in their warehouses.

  3. When a customer orders one of your products, Amazon picks, packs, ships and tracks the order for you.

  4. Then you get paid

  5. They handle returns and refunds.

Amazon's fulfillment service make it incredibly easy to streamline your business, all you have to do is send your products from your supplier to the warehouse and they send it to your customers. You might never even see your products.

Click here to start earning on Amazon

Affiliate Marketing is a type of income model that allows you to earn sales commissions by referring people to purchase something (physical and digital products/services) from another online store.

The best thing about affiliate marketing is its extremely cheap to set up and do, all you need is a blog site.  You can use Wix or Wordpress for a really low fee. Unlike FBA there’s no need for inventory, or suppliers which can be quite risky sometimes. Since most of the work is done online, it also means that there’s flexibility to the job while you attend classes.

To start, all you need to do is:

  1. Build a Wix or Wordpress blog - this can be done in around an hour with their easy to use templates, and there is a bunch of free resources on youtube.

  2. Find affiliate programs online that you want to promote: Clickbank and Awin are to marketplaces I use. They're both completely free to use.

  3. Write a short blog post about the product/service and link it on your blog. The best thing about affiliate marketing is that as soon as you’ve made the post, it becomes an asset that is online forever and will slowly get more traffic. This is how you build passive income for the future. By doing an hour or two of work for a blog and blog post, you will have something that could generate income on a consistent basis for a long time.

  4. Drive Traffic - You can do this at your own pace and cost, there are so many great free sites to drive traffic, the more you focus on getting people to see your blog the more chance you’ll have of getting paid. You can also pay for advertising once you start making money and want to scale your business.

  There are so many great courses online that can teach you all you need to know to start making money in very little time.

Some I have tried and would recommend are:

The 12 minute affiliate system, this is a super easy course that is free to sign up and start learning, it really focuses on doing small amounts of affiliate work to generate big results. Sign up for free here.

The Super Affiliate system, this one has a small fee to begin but it has so many incredible resources online and it was worth my investment. John Crestani is arguably one of the best affiliate marketers online and has lots of free resources on youtube that i found really helpful. Check him out here.

Done for you Funnels is a ready made online business model that was created by a professional business developer specialized in driving huge online sales. So, you have the most difficult part taken care of. You can make money from the get-go! The system is fast, easy and simple to set up and runs without you doing much work. Let this system do all the heavy lifting for you and you simply enjoy the freedom it adds to your life. Then you can find out more here.


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