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Save thousands of dollars a year on accommodation with House Sitting Jobs: Find out how here.

Updated: Jun 1, 2020

Rent prices have been skyrocketing around the world, especially in many major western cities. Just look at all of California, New York, and London. This report on the dramatic increase in USA major cities rent prices shows that nearly all US cities (92%) have seen increases in average monthly rent cost over the past year. 

When rental prices increase, this also drives up short term accommodation costs like motels, hostels, and Airbnb's. Making travel accommodation much more expensive and drives travelers towards becoming more creative with saving money on their accommodation. 

House sitting is a great way for travelers to get free accommodation around the world while being able to live in beautiful houses and look after cute pets. 

House Sitters are needed when homeowners go away on their own travels, leaving their pets and property behind. To ensure it's safe and protected they allow trustful people to live in the home for free. 

How much can you really save?

Let's say, for example, you are currently living in an apartment in California, if you aren’t living in a major city your average rent cost per month is $1410 a month. It gets a lot higher if you’re in San Francisco ($3683), Los Angeles ($2528) and San Diego ($2223). But for the example, we will use $1410.

So if you decided you wanted to travel for a year, looking for house sits that are at least a month or two long. You will do around 8-10 house sits a year, in as many different locations as you like. They could all be local, or all in different countries. It’s entirely up to you. 


If you do 12 months of house sitting and you’re currently living in California, then you would save $1410 a month on average:

12 months x $1410 = $16920

House sitting memberships cost between $50 and $120 for an annual membership. If you get the $120 annual membership you are going to be saving:

$16920 - $120 = $16800


$16800!! That could easily fund your flights around the world to the unique house sitting locations. Heck, it's almost a downpayment on your own house! Just think how amazing those savings are, just for looking after someone else's house.

“Fast forward four months and we have completed four more house sits in Dublin and have managed to save just over $5000!” The Traveling House-Sitters blog

Join Trusted House Sitters today and get unlimited house sits, once you join you can do as many house sits as you want, RENT FREE! You pay one small membership fee of $119/year and potentially save over $16000 on your rent/accommodation costs per year. 

Click a location below to find the best house sitting jobs before they get filled!

Stop spending thousands of dollars on accommodation and travel the world rent-free with Trusted House Sitters

Check out our other posts for saving money on accommodation and flights here:


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